Thursday, April 21, 2016

Hillary and her server.

There's the emotional side (that probably 98% of the people rely upon as a foundation for their opinions and actions) - perhaps you didn't like Hillary to begin with, maybe because of the stains (ha ha) from the "Clinton Era", maybe because of more recent events. 

Your dislike of HRC does not equate to HRC being guilty of a felony or deserving of a lengthy prison sentence, no matter how strongly you might FEEL that they do.  What really matters here is the stark, dry, concrete letter of the law.  Did Hillary perpetrate actions that constitute violations of the national security protocols in place at the time by any of the following:
  1. Setting up a personal, external server
  2. Instructing a subordinate to remove, tamper with, subvert, circumvent or otherwise alter any classification-related markings, ratings, protocols?
  3. Display a clear intent to circumvent FOIA regulations (w/r/t deletion, overwriting, otherwise obscuring any of the emails that crossed her server)
  4. Unsecured IT, vulnerability to hackers / intrusion,
  5. Obscuring or hiding any kind of communication, negotiations, dealings with inappropriate or anti-American agents, whether domestic or foreign
And that's really all that matters, at least from a legal standpoint.  The Court of Public Opinion, while incredibly effective as a tool ripe for manipulation, is still not (yet) the law of the land.  The COPO™ can malign you, smear your name publicly, hurl allegations at you, but (at least at this time) cannot convict and sentence you to actual jail time or civil penalization, etc.

THAT BEING SAID: My rudimentary knowledge of SCI (you young folks call it SAP now, whatever) leads me to believe that her actions ARE quite problematic.  I don't have a horse in the race, but people have been skewered for FAR less egregious violations of security protocols.  Just sayin'...

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