Thursday, April 21, 2016

My God, It's Full of Shills!

There is a battle being fought on Twitter between anyone even remotely pro-Trump and those staunchly anti-Trump.  Both camps are equally as dedicated to their respective causes.  The anti-Trump camp is an odd conglomeration of pro-Cruz and strictly anti-Trump people, but the vitriol is ubiquitous and is very, very real.  Brb, time to check my Twitter feed!!!

Political battles these days seem increasingly originate on Social Media ("SocMed"), and it's not difficult to figure out why.  Cloaked in the anonymity the internet affords, people say whatever the fuck they want and have little to fear in the way of actual consequences.  What's someone going to do, Tweet you back a bitchy retort? Block you? Oh, boo hoo, how will I survive?

I've experience quite a rude awakening this time around the merry-go-round, where this election is concerned and, in how SocMed is forever changing everything, in particular the role of the media.  While it's not a new thing to question the veracity of the things we're spoon-fed by MSM, never has it been more starkly clear than it is at this moment just how deep and wide the swamp of bullshit goes.  Fuck the people posing as journalists, but who are nothing more than anthropomorphized click-bait.  I can think of one member of the media in particular who embodies this; he and his Dumpster Fire of a "publication" post absolutely nothing of any value, but rather earn their Cruz-backer-funded paychecks by posing as "journalists" who pump out twisted, biased, garbage fluff all day, every day.

I jumped into this mess at a time where the general consensus was that said "journalist" once had some credibility; he had been an early proponent of anti-SJW rhetoric, and seemingly didn't start out the game as a PsyOps / infiltrator, but sadly, seems to have unambiguously ended up as that very thing.  When I jumped into the proverbial pool, I could still hear the echos of his prior popularity, but it was now waning and what remained was a growing negative sentiment over his total abdication of the principles and issues that once garnered him quite a bit of support.

He wouldn’t be the first person to pretend to be on one team, whilst spying for the other, and it's not just him.  It's across the board, to varying degrees - across the whole media.

[ANGRY RANT WARNING]  This whole thing has me really quite agitated, in that “yep, gonna pound drinks, shitpost and plant seeds where I can” sort of way; other days my view beyond the veil is straight up depressing and I employ my ninja-like avoidance skills (though never for very long - the hallmark of every codependent, abusive relationship).  If it’s good enough for people calling themselves “journalists” to spew their opinions and present them as fact, it’s certainly good enough for some angry woman with nothing better to do than sit on Twitter and drink vodka all fucking day (and night) to do the same, right?  If the type and quality of "news" disseminated today is the unashamed detritus that now qualifies as "journalism", sign me up because I can spew shit painted gold just as well as, if not better than, most of these hacks.

Fuck this whole bullshit game.  I think I’ve crossed the Event Horizon at this point where my perception of the media and the general understanding of journalistic integrity is concerned; there is no turning back.  Once you see beyond the veil, there is no going back to putting on the tv and finding out what’s “happening”, because you know that every word of it is parsed, couched, spun, twisted and re-packaged in such a way as to fit a desired agenda.  Everything that comes across the airwaves today is old news, has been scrubbed of any undesired facts, cleaned up to suit what the target audience wants to hear and was something entirely different hours or days before it gets to you.

If you’re Ted Cruz, the GOPs Flavor of the Week at the moment, you get to enjoy the benefits of media protection by having your colossal cluster fuck of a marital infidelity scandal barely even register, let alone be afforded any appreciable coverage by any network.  I fucking hate to say this with every single fiber of my being, but (gritting teeth) I’m starting to understand what (gritting) Sarah (gritting) Palin meant when she pejoratively referred to the “Mainstream Media” back in the 2008 election cycle.  Of course, she added “Liberal” to that whole thing, because at that time (2007), Liberal was still a fairly effective dog whistle, versus the rather threadbare colloquialism it has become today.  Or maybe I’m just super desensitized to it now.  Regardless it isn’t just the “liberals”, it is across the board.  It is every single network on TV (they’re all owned by what, 2 or 3 ppl?).  Where Trump is concerned, the onslaught and abject hatred is coming from within his own party, the soon-to-be incinerated GOP.

We need our fucking monopoly busters back.  A handful of rich fuckers should NOT control the entirety of American news media.  Is this the United States or are we North Korea, FFS?  Russia probably has more variety and less of a slant in their news coverage at this point.  I’m gonna ask one of my Russkie Twitter peeps about that one of these days.  On that note, it would be fucking great to see America and Russia work together again; this Cold War shit is BTFO and it’s time for US and RU to unite and kick everyone else’s asses.

Yeah, just retweeted a (likely photoshopped) pic of Scott Walker (R-WI) in lingere, giving the Heil Hitler, on a swastika rug.  It was fucking glorious and I don’t regret it at all, because I'm angry, buzzed and damnit, sometimes I get to throw an over-the-top, fake-as-fuck hat into the ring.  It’s been fine and dandy with everyone, everywhere, across the board in the media, to malign and smear Trump with the absolute most disgusting bullshit - “Literally Hitler”, KKK, racist, white supremacist.

It’s abhorrent and they ALL went with it.  They ALL repeated the lies, obscured the truth, took everything he said out of context and have done absolutely nothing else but wage coordinated effort after coordinated effort to utterly destroy his campaign; and for what -  Money?  I’m having a hard time restraining myself from straight up calling them all out for the complete whores they are, but whore really is the most appropriate description for what I’m seeing happen everywhere.  One could almost boil it down to a mathematical expression of “Trump said X, Media twists it and presents it as Y”.  Piece of shit [allegedly] Soros-funded thugs show up at a campaign event, act like the shitbags they are? Yep, still going to be blamed on Trump, because why the fuck not and who doesn’t LOVE money??

The saddest thing is that these fucking CHILDREN could have ushered in a whole new age of enlightenment where the media and bias are concerned.  They’re young, educated, connected - they REALLY could have made a difference, the way journalists USED TO.  Journalism USED to be about seeking and reporting the truthiest truth obtainable.  Journalists of an era long since gone worked tirelessly to bring news to the fore that was at VERY least somewhat true, somewhat unfiltered versus the repackaged, tainted, pre-digested fucking GARBAGE being put out now.

The insanity in the media and across social media is absolutely mind-blowing.  I wonder when or if any of the people spewing racist, hateful shit on Twitter will ever learn to temper themselves and the things they say.   The media loves to push the “Trump supporters are evil, hateful, racist violent thugs” narrative 24/7, unabashedly, forcefully, unashamedly and yet the people I consistently see spewing the very worst of it are the anti-Trump crowd, particularly the willfully -ignorant Cruz folks.

From assassination threats, to threats of violence, to total disregard for the will of the voters, to outright debasement of the very underpinnings of our “democratic society” (representative republic, actually, right?), pro-Cruz folks seem to have no problem whatsoever with any of that, nor the notion of poached delegates or a contested convention to prevent Trump from becoming the nominee, should Trump fail to achieve the magic 1237 number.  The Cruzers seem willing to ignore to the devastating effect that rigged outcome will have on our country, to our political process and are absolutely unconcerned at how gravely and irretrievably stealing the nomination will injure America.  They don't care because their hatred of Trump renders them unable to think of anything else; they are unable to contemplate a situation in which these same things were being done to their candidate and consider how distraught they might be in that instance.  Nope, it's all "rawr, NeverTrump! Hurr Durr! Cruz is literally awesome and you're all big, dumb poopie heads!!".  That's about the level of retort from that side of the aisle; potty words, ad hominems and strawmen.  Sad.

There seems to be no distinction whatsoever between actual “journalists” and hack “pundits” who do absolutely nothing but offer up opinions couched as fact. These hacks are driving a very destructive, very dangerous narrative and the narrative is, unfortunately, what motivates most of the population in action, thought and belief.  Say negative things about a candidate with enough force and frequency, and you will have brainwashed a sizable segment of the population to see that candidate all of the negative, hateful, almost completely false things you’ve painted them as - and because you’ve presented it as some sort of altruistic “just want what’s best for you!” manipulation, that segment will buy it.

There is a LOT of psyOp, subterfuge propaganda and tactics being employed / deployed across the board right now.  Even FoxNews, the very mother-ship for “conservatives”, has taken a forcefully anti-Trump position, and they make absolutely no secret of it.  From Megyn Kelly’s ridiculous questions whilst serving as a moderator for the first GOP debate, to her unwavering commitment to doing absolutely nothing else with her time slot on Fox but smearing Trump to the very best of her ability, to CNN & Fox’s obsession with ridiculous diversions like “Corey-gate”, “Wife-Gate”, while a near media blackout of the massive Cruz sex scandal story, we are seeing a concerted, choreographed effort to destroy Trump’s candidacy.

The hacks even go so far as to readily admit their singular cause - they often express befuddlement over how, despite their best efforts, he can still be the frontrunner.  Without a shred of shame for violating just about every tenet of journalistic ethics, they wonder aloud how none of the smears, biased coverage, touting of every other candidate as orders of magnitude better than Trump, have worked; they can understand neither Trump’s continued and growing popularity nor how it is even possible that their smear campaigns haven’t worked.

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