From the seedlings of the once bullied, historically marginalized
folks have grown a legion of moral Storm Troopers, capable of a singular
emotion: rage. The emotional locks and controls necessary to emotional
intelligence have been stripped from the operating system code. At the
moment these “warriors” achieved a glimmer of sentience, they burst
forth from their previous frightfully vulnerable, unacceptably
infallible host-bodies and ordained themselves the new arbiters of
Irony is an oft-misused trope, the concept and
definition of which were not written into the programming of these
anti-oppression warriors. Warlords? Warladies? WarXies? Let’s go with WarXies
- I fucking like that one! All of the descriptive goodness with none
of the oppressive gender-specific inference! WarXies lack the
capabilities of self-reflection, introspection, ability to engage in
honest dialog within themselves, preferring instead to focus all of
their energies and more accurately, their post-modernist ire on everyone
and everything but themselves. Theirs is a busy job, a daunting and
perpetual vigilance against any hint of aberrant thought,
arbitrarily-defined hate-speech, ubiquitous and rampant
micro-aggressions. The infiltrative abilities of the WarXie are
insidious; they assemble, maraud and conquer.
As with any invasive
species, the WarXie wrest control from and unassailably alter the
environs of their host . The WarXie are the Japanese Carp of the Great
Lakes, the European Conquerors of the Native / Indigenous people of
early America, a true cancer of society. Their initial intentions were
honorable enough - history is replete with true warriors, men and women
who fought for actual social justice, equitable treatment of humans,
animals, races, religions. These were the brave souls who didn’t just
preach tolerance and acceptance, they lived it; walking the walk instead
of just talking the talk, as today’s WarXies do. MLK, Ghandi, the
people and the movements - Lincoln, the abolition of slavery, child
labor reforms; the scientists and miraculous medical advances that have
been made and have given us a standard of living and life expectancy
unheard of even 25 or 50 years ago. What was once a certain death
sentence as recently as the 1980s, is now not not just survivable, but
increasingly manageable - case in point, HIV / AIDS.
Even after
all of that, even in the face of advances made over things that were
once unfathomably insurmountable, despite the truly great strides made
in medicine, science, technology, manufacturing etc., WarXies are still
unable to be appreciative of and appropriately grateful for any of it.
Nothing is ever good enough for the insatiable WarXie pariah. [A
founding father / important historical figure] dedicated [his -
PATRIARCHY!] life to bringing about major societal reforms that
indelibly altered and improved ed the trajectory of [race], but once
owned slaves? Erase the entirety of his hateful legacy from the lexicon!
Billionaire benefactor donates $100K to a school system in need?
Selfish shitlord should have given even more! Someone fully supports
the premise of equality of races, but has further questions into the
realities of said race’s crime or incarceration statistics, perhaps
regarding the types, frequency or nature of said crimes? You aren’t
[that race], so you are a racist, hateful bigot who doesn’t understand
[race’s] experience, never will and are forbidden from speaking of it or
holding any kind of opinion whatsoever! Furthermore, because you are
[your race] and not [that race], you instantly go on the [race]-Devil,
Shitlord Oppressor, Sworn Enemies list! And, no matter how hard you
work for the case of [that race], no matter how genuine and altruistic
your motivations or convictions, you, as a [that race] person, are
permanently staying on the Enemy List, to be eternally and thoroughly
evaluated solely on the basis of…[your race]. Ironic?
In this
moment, it is normal to feel a deep disturbance in ‘the force’; an
unabiding, blinding desire to scream, “WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK??! Don’t you
see the blatant hypocrisy in that?”. What you’re feeling is the irony
of reacting to the oppression of racism by, in turn, discriminating or
damning entire segments of the population simply because of their
[race]. Insert exploding head here and fear not, you’re not insane or
wrong, you are actually seeing what you think you do.
Fear not, you’re
in good company here; you're among friends. As we already learned, it’s
a “safe space”. I thought you’d like that. Have a cookie. Ha ha,
just kidding, have a Scotch; cookies are for wusses. OH GOD, I’ve
touched THE POOP! Quick, Bolt the doors and windows, I hear pitchforks
and torches being taken up by the WarXies, after hearing my egregious
and hate-filled use of a (insert WarXie trigger words here)!!!!!
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