Current mishugas? The Trump-Kelly slap-fight fiesta; the ongoing
battle royale between Trump and Fox journalist Megyn Kelly. Trump has
been rapid-fire tweeting his disgust and loathing for Megyn Kelly, a
journalist with whom he butted heads in an early GOP debate (where the
“blood coming from her eyes, whatever…” thing came from.
Honestly, in
context, while less than kosher, this wasn’t the menses-related jab it’s
been hyperbolically made out to be.). At every opportunity, with every
appearance, Kelly’s singular purpose has been to take something Trump
said or did, twist it just enough and present it in the ugliest, most
unsavory and negative way she possibly can and she is doing so overtly
and unashamedly. Her palpable ire towards Trump has truly made me
question whether or not she is a journalist in the stricter sense of the
word, or if she is a “journalist” of the modern ilk - all about clicks,
page views, and the attention of the easily-led populace.
It’s been no
secret over the last decade or so that Fox News is completely and
totally in the tank for the GOP. Recent events have served to expose
their wavering allegiance to what we now call the GOP Establishment
(GOPe). I say wavering because really, at the end of the day, the
ultimate motivator is not journalistic integrity, factual reporting,
in-depth stories of significance or duty to the public, but rather, is
about two things and two things only: money and manipulation. The money
comes from ratings, page views, advertising sales. The manipulation is
the towing of the Fox-specific party line, a line that someone much
smarter than I artfully conceptualized and implemented somewhere around
the time of Bush II’s election. I think.
It may have been earlier, but I
can’t readily recall when it was that I began to loathe Fox News. I am
only able to remember when I stopped experiencing complete and total
revulsion for it, and that’s a very recent development.
I’ve grown
to really hate the fucking Lefties and that hate has manifested itself
to the point where I have little desire left to even try to hide it.
Don’t get me wrong, I still harbor many positions that would easily
fall under “democrat / dirty leftie commie”. But the Left, taken in
totality, is an outrageously hypocritical, violent, petulant, intolerant
hoard of rage-filled fascists, which is fucking ironic as FUCK because
for years now, they’ve done absolutely nothing but fucking wail and
gnash their teeth and rend their robes over how very, very victimized they are. How horribly marginalized
they’ve become. How intolerant “the rest of us” (and of course, the
Literally Hitlers(™) have been to them. The reality is drastically
At this very moment, gangs of angry thugs are, yet
again, causing violent and dangerous conditions outside of a Trump
campaign even because they (of course) feel completely entitled to and,
I’m guessing, because they have fuck-all of nothing better to do. Yep, I
called them thugs, and while I understand the implied connotation to
mean blacks only, I absolutely use “thugs” inclusively and ubiquitously
to describe these “protesters”. Why? Because they fucking ARE; they’re
violent, lawless, obnoxious, obtuse pieces of shit who crow about racism
and bigotry and free speech. Free speech my ASS; 1A doesn’t even
fucking APPLY here (Congress shall make no law…), but they’re so fucking
willfully ignorant, so easily manipulated and swayed and so busy
venting their pent-up rage, that they can’t be arsed to educate
themselves beyond their existing inculcation into the tenets of the Hive
Mind Directive.
These people are serving a very valuable purpose
though, truth be told. I waded into this insanity as a Democrat. Eight
months later, I’m leaning hard right in many ways and with each passing
day and every incidence of mob-inflicted criminality, grow more and
more angry at and deeply resentful of what we colloquially identify as
the Left. I am disgusted by their actions, their utter inability to see
that what they are doing is absolutely everything they have accused the
evil, right-wing, neo-nazi hate machine of doing, and I can’t come up
with excuses for it any more at this point. Blocking traffic,
harassment, assault, destruction of property, intimidation by force of
other people simply because they like someone you don’t like or believe
things you don’t believe is fucking abhorrent, and frankly, should be
met with force pretty much now. They are (once again) burning their OWN
house down -- their actions are driving away all but the most ardent
Lefties, and rightfully so. They show up in packs, wreak havoc and have
the fucking audacity to claim moral superiority and a monopoly on
victimhood. If Ferguson, MO, LA, Detroit and Chicago are anything to go
by, this whole “let’s fucking burn OUR PLACES to the ground! Let’s
destroy the lives of people just like us! Let’s act like the animals
“they” “say” we are! We’ll show those racist whiteys! Oh, and “Kill
Whitey!”. Yeah, they should be beyond reproach. We should give them
cookies and juice and feel even more of that delicious White Guilt (like
we’re constantly instructed to) because of their misfortune to have
been black. Or native american. Or Poor. Oops, I’m not supposed to
include “poor” without qualifying it with some sort of racial overtone,
because only people of some race other than “white” have the right to
claim oppression (and use that “oppression” as an excuse for fucking
god-awful behavior).
I’m so disgusted I can’t even go on with this
right now. I literally (literally!) “Can’t Even” right now.
This is a
sick, twisted, faux-facade narrative and I’m not entirely sure how or
when or even if we’re going to be able to counteract the damage that has
been allowed and encouraged to happen in our society. The divisive
trenches between races, socioeconomic classes, gender, religion have
been so deeply dug at this point that I’m not even sure it’s
Trump’s Greatest Hits. The time
has probably come to compile a “greatest hits” album of sorts for The
Donald. The bodies continue to pile up in his wake and it’s truly
awe-inspiring to watch.
Jeb! Bush: “Low-Energy / Guac-Bowl
Merchant” memes from one of the debates [which debate was this from?]
lobbed the “low energy” napalm grenade and, as Napalm will, it stuck.
Couldn’t have become more indelible if Trump had written it across
Jeb’s face with a Sharpie.
Marco Rubio: “Little Marco”,
outsourced the actual hit (it was televised, yo!) to Chris Christie.
Was it a hit job ordered by the Godfather and carried out by an
underboss, or was Christie deputized a la minute (given a higher rank
for the duration of a highly important or dangerous task -- is there a
word for that?). Trump never once mentioned the swirling allegations
around which direction Rubio’s sexual preference needle points, nor even
alluded to Marco’s (alleged) foam-party revelries or his assigned
parking space in the (name of the park), a notorious spot for gay
cruising in the 90s. But the internet sure as hell did. I know more
about Marco’s (alleged) past, dirty dealings, unsavory associations than
I ever thought I’d want or need to.
Michelle Fields / Ben Shapiro / CoreyGate / PlaidShirtGate etc.:
Like Superman flying against the direction of the rotation of the earth
to stop / reverse time, so does Trump gain control of and forge, not
unlike a blacksmith, hard steel into whataver shape or direction he
Megyn Kelly / FOX: This battle began in earnest
after one of the first debates for which FOX did the moderating. It was
an unabashed hit job, with many of the questions directed at or
otherwise concerning Trump. Things like, “Mr. Cruz, how terrible would
Mr. Trump be for America and why is he Literally Hitler?”. “Mr. Rubio,
your position on X is Y, tell us how Trump would start WWIII and is he
the anti-Christ?”. Trump responded predictably, in a manner that only
he can, lobbing insults as to her worth as a journalist and calling her a
bimbo. Trump does adore his juvenile fightin’ words! Kelly responded
by devoting every single moment of air time to hit pieces, twisted and
presented in the most negative ways possible; night after night, story
after story, it was a non-stop Trump Hate Clusterfuck. Trump, again,
responded in kind, further verbally undermining Kelly’s credibility and
going a step further, calling for a boycott of her show.
News stories as Fishing Nets metaphor:
cast the net (the story, either spun to the point of near
unrecognizability from origin point), hook the easier, smaller fish
almost immediately by building in a hot-button issue guaranteed to
instantly trigger some desired segment of the audience - typically a
familiar archetype of villain vs. hero, ogre vs. damsel, anything at all
able to be repackaged and sold as “Misogyny!!” by Neo-feminists to
their soft, delicate adherents. In this scuffle, Trump calling Kelly a
“bimbo” was an instantaneous trigger and effective dog whistle to the
Perpetually Offended, the “Beta-Cuck” White Knighters, the “Third Wave”
Feminists, who are known for the full and immediate shutdown of all
logic, reasoning and critical thinking abilities at the moment of
“triggering”, and are thus morphed into a nearly unstoppable drone
force, impervious to the slings and arrows of truth, facts, context,
mitigating factors. These Outrage Warriors (WarXies) replicate and
propagate with stunning speed and efficiency. The only way to thwart or
defeat them is to present inarguable facts, debunk their more broad
complaints (don’t bother trying to achieve a full victory -- this is a
war of attrition, on its best day), and to keep repeating the fee
fee-trumping facts until they tire, give up or go off to find their next
fresh kill.
As of this writing (3-24-16), Trump has not gone
after Kasich in any meaningful way, similar to how he did not eviscerate
Ben Carson in any memorable ways prior to Carson dropping out...and
then subsequently coming to endorse Trump. The Master!
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