Another day, another gruesome terrorist attack by the “Religion of
Peace”. "Naughty Lists" seem to be the hot new thing to do; see Amanda
Carpenter and her McCarthy-esque “Trump Supporting Heathens to be
Shunned From the Great GOP Cabal” list (now, rather passé) and, more
recently, from The Buckley Club, this shit:
- another list of "Conservative Traitors" to be admonished and shunned
at a later date. I find these compilations so fucking offensive and
juvenile, I can't even articulate it.
In light of the soaring
popularity of compiling Mean Girls-esque lists of traitors (read: people
whose opinions simply differ from yours), it seems the time is ripe for
another list; a list of excuses employed by the Apologist Left when the
verboten idea arises that perhaps some incompatibility exists between
radical Islam and what we typically refer to as Western culture.
“Racist!” - Islam isn’t a race, it’s a religious, fascist, misogynist, authoritarian dogma.
“Bigot!” - My opinion differs from yours where Islam is concerned. You are intolerant to my opinion. Thus, you
are the bigot. Concern or disagreement with an ideology is not bigotry.
Rejecting out of hand the concerns of someone with an opinion differing
from yours, however, is the literal definition of bigotry.
“America created ISIS!”
- Unlike the Left, I will not immediately and completely reject the
possibility that this premise has some measure of merit. Criticism of a
violent, archaic, barbaric philosophy is not an endorsement of faulty
foreign policy. The Middle East has been a quagmire for decades, and
the reasons are plentiful, intermingled, and complex. To attempt to
summarize the overarching reason as “It’s America’s fault” is both
nauseatingly disingenuous, intellectually dishonest and is a myopic
simplification of a broad, multi-faceted issue.
“Not All Muslims!”
- Agreed. Clearly, this problem isn’t laid at the feet of “All
Muslims”, but it is interesting that while we’re sternly admonished and
shamed by the underlying sentiment implicit in the “Not All Muslims”
trope, there is a deafening silence where the “Not All” Muslims should
be loudly and publicly stepping up to disavow and decry these horrific
acts of senseless violence being perpetrated by “only a scant few” of
And yet? Nothing. Crickets. Not a single Muslim leader ever makes a bold, public,
unequivocal condemnation of the actions of “a few” “radicalized”
Muslims. World leaders appear on television within minutes after
attacks like these are perpetrated, condemning them, insisting that
somehow, sometime soon, we’ll finally eradicate these “few bad apples”.
Until the next time.
“We must take in refugees! How can you be so hateful towards women and children?!?”
- Despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, the Left desperately
clings to the fantasy that all of the refugees are just poor,
downtrodden, oppressed peace-loving souls who are desperate to escape
the horrific hell-hole from whence they come, that they just want to
come to America and live peacefully, and not a one could possibly harbor
any radical, violent, hateful ideas or would ever harm America! The
left willfully ignores the terrible realities of life in once-peaceful
European countries. They deny the explosion in crime, rape, violence,
intolerance that has come along with unchecked immigration of Muslims
from ME countries. They welcome these “refugees”, provide for them,
feed them, house them, afford them the ability to live a free, peaceful,
civilized life - to leave behind all of the horrors they once knew.
is the reward for the magnanimity of western countries? Suicide
bombings, murder of innocent citizens, assaults, rapes, closed-off
communities where Muslims live and replicate everything they purported
to want to leave behind. Worse still, the more base aspects of their
oppressive ideology comes along as well. Western women and children,
who once enjoyed lives mostly devoid of the heinous crimes condoned and
encouraged by adherents of Islam, now live in fear - in their OWN HOMES,
their OWN countries, of acts of sexual and physical violence at the
hands of barbaric animals unfit to live in Western society. Sure, Not
All. We get it. Not all. But Not NONE, and even ONE is TOO MANY.
vilified and denigrated for a reticence or unwillingness to invite this
kind of violence, this kind of intolerant, murderous, misogynist horror
into our countries, our communities, our daily lives, is an affront to
the most rudimentary logic, the most basic human instinct. It is a
dangerous instance of not only a willful ignorance and a myopic denial
of harsh reality, but is an affront and insult to anyone with the most
rudimentary critical thinking skills.
Funny how it’s so often
younger, more affluent, “educated” Liberals who cling so vehemently to
this insidiously naive notion that “everyone is, at their core, good and
kind, and those who aren’t are just misunderstood, suffering the
effects of oppression”. This is the natural by-product of a generation
or more of inculcation into the group-think which worships feelings over
facts, denigrates any system that in any way encourages
self-sufficiency or exceptionalism, and insists that everyone get a
trophy just for showing up. If there is no reward for excellence, no
one will feel bad or inferior; and in time, no one with have any reason
to strive for better, to achieve greater, to evolve beyond what is
normal, average, acceptable.
We have a deep chasm of divide
growing between the right and left, between conservative and liberal,
here in the US. The validity of any of the claims or beliefs on either
side are loudly and viciously drowned out by the flames of hate being
fanned by the media, by academia, by those with a vested interest in
dividing and conquering us all.
It always comes back to the
narrative - the pervasive message being played on loop so we’ll all fall
in line and behave in accordance with whatever happens to serve the
masters at any given time. In recent years, we’ve seen the emergence
and propagation of a staunch liberalism, or rather, a bastardization of
what was once described as Liberalism. As with the trajectory of
feminism over the last 3 or 4 decades (the metamorphoses from classical
feminist thought to the ugly hydra of “3rd wave” feminism we see today),
Liberalism has evolved from a system espousing values of liberty and
equality, to that of a Frankenstinian, cancerous pandemic of rigid
conformity of thought, stiff penalties for any variance from the
acceptable patterns or thought or action, and an abject fear and
loathing of anything external that in any way challenges or worse,
contradicts the mandatory group-think. Should you dare to hold an
opinion contrary in any way to the collective, you are punished without
trial, afforded no opportunity to defend yourself nor to clarify your
position. You are mocked, vilified, marginalized, and shunned, as you
would be for similar infractions in other closed societies like the
Amish, or Scientology or Amway. The penalty for violation of the warm,
safe security of the hug-box echo chamber is figurative death. You are
rejected, cast out, abandoned, left to survive in a strange, foreign
violent world where you no longer enjoy insulation from the terrifying
and harsh realities of the real world.
Following each of the
terrorist attacks, attacks happening with a growingly alarming
frequency, despite the protestations of the apologists; like clockwork,
Facebook profile pics are changed to graphics of flags, iterations of
solidarity, prayers, prayers and more prayers. Thoughts and prayers
crowd the ether like locusts, hugs and feels and calls for peace and
love and unity echo through the land; until concerns begin to be raised,
the issue presented for discussion. And then comes the insulting,
vilifying, marginalizing backlash from the Left, accusations of bigotry,
racism, intolerance - all because someone dared to allude to the
possibility of a problem with Islam.
"People on the right are
angry! They’ve violent! They’re intolerant, awful, terrible people who
should die in a fire!!" That’s the never-ending narrative put forth by
the Left where the Right is regarded. The so-called party of tolerance
and acceptance is anything but; it is a lie, a farce, a dangerous
ideology unto itself, masquerading as some special, safe, inclusive club
that cares not about race, creed, color, gender. The reality is
starkly different.
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